How To Promote a Meal Prep Business? Discover Our Marketing Ideas!

Chris Gromadzki
Business Development, Co-Founder
40 min

First Step: Create a Marketing Plan To Establish a Solid Base For Your Meal Prep Company

When starting your own meal prep business, it's crucial to create a marketing plan that serves as the cornerstone for establishing the subsequent elements of your startup. What should be included? Firstly, an innovative concept that provides a starting point for selecting appropriate strategies for achieving the desired goals. Another vital consideration is identifying the target audience, in other words, determining who our services will be aimed at. Last but not least, it is extremely useful to carry out an in-depth market analysis. This includes acquiring a profound insight into the prevailing trends and preferences in the region, as well as scrutinizing the situation of competitors to understand both their strengths and weaknesses.

Understanding a Marketing Funnel Will Help You Promote Your Meal Prep Business

In a nutshell, the marketing funnel outlines the customer’s interaction with your company. It consists of 3 main layers:  

  • The first, TOFU is about raising awareness and grabbing the attention of the audience by focusing on search engine optimization (SEO), creating engaging content, or using performance marketing tools.
  • The second, MOFU, means keeping the attention and nurturing relationships with leads by providing regular updates and notifications about your products through channels like Newsletters or YouTube subscriptions. By consistently staying on their radar, you can increase the likelihood of influencing them toward a purchase decision.
  • In the final stage, known as BOFU, marketing efforts involve providing leads with all the necessary product information on your landing page. This approach aims to seamlessly convert leads into customers, eliminating the necessity for them to initiate contact.
Three main layers of marketing funnel

Potential of Marketing Channels

Managing your marketing channels effectively is an essential part of your meal prep business strategy, as it has a significant impact on the way customers perceive your products and services. Here, we'll take a closer look at the topic to provide you with the insight needed to enhance your approach.

Digital Marketing - how to prompt your business online?

  • Performance Marketing

This is a strategy involving paid advertising aimed at increasing your customer base. In this context, Meta Ads appearing on social media channels such as Facebook and Instagram, are proving particularly effective, while the second place unquestionably belongs to Google Ads campaigns.  

  • Content Marketing

Content on your landing page or blog should not only employ SEO techniques but also provide readers with the information they need. As the best marketing suggestion, we recommend creating high-quality articles in which you share your knowledge and experience. Running a YouTube channel or recording podcasts is equally effective because, through subscriptions, people stay up-to-date with all the latest news about your meal prep company. Remember: Valuable content is the key to attracting prospective clients!

  • Social Media Marketing

Another great way is to market your meal prep business through social media. Posts of delicious meals, funny stories, reels, or TikTok shorts engage and influence the overall customer experience. This allows you to build a close-knit community in one place, where every follower feels valued like a family member, contributing to the success of your meal prep delivery business.

  • Paid Articles

If you want to boom your meal kit business, you should also consider publishing some articles in popular trade magazines. The idea may seem a little outdated but it's really effective! By reaching an audience with shared interests and a common industry background, such articles have the potential to spark their interest in what you have to offer.

Types of digital marketing outlined

Offline Marketing As a Strategy To Grow Your Meal Prep Business

But it's not all about search results! Keeping the various needs of the potential customers in mind is the key to success. That is why, in addition to marketing your business online, you should take a moment to show your involvement in the local community. Thanks to participating in different events people start to recognize your business. Consequently, your company's track record is on the rise, making it a topic of conversation for many - a kind of word-of-mouth marketing.

Offline marketing strategies

Discovering Different Sales Channels - A Great Way to Find New Clientele

Are you about to start a meal prep business and wondering how to effectively promote it without the hassle of managing your own website? Well, here are some practical solutions! Various online marketplaces can be your go-to allies in this endeavor. Showcase your meal plan delivery or take-out services on these platforms to expand your niche.  Considering the use of discount hubs may also bring valuable results. These virtual spaces offer exciting possibilities, placing your services in the spotlight of customers' attention. Going beyond the digital realm, vending machines, commonly found in places like gyms, provide an alternative approach, allowing customers to experience your products first-hand.

Different sales channels

Discounts Will Help You Attract Potential Clients, So Make Sure To Choose The Right Meal Prep Software!

In today’s fiercely competitive market, businesses are in constant pursuit of customer attention. To achieve success, they have to show their potential to stand out in the crowd. Given that price is still the key factor in motivating customers to choose your products or services, it is worth considering adding some incentives to your offering. It will certainly help you grow your sales!

NutriBot, our innovative meal prep business software, gives you a wealth of possibilities to create promo codes and offer price reductions for example based on the order length. So, take a moment to ensure, that the the meal prep software you rely on provides the necessary functionalities in this context!

Various discounts to help you attract potential customers

Direct communication - Keep Your Customers In The Loop!

Effective communication with customers requires using a range of channels and implementing diverse marketing strategies, such as push notifications, messages, and email marketing.

It may sound intricate, but in practice, a successful meal prep system manages a lot of tasks on its own. Take our NutriBot software as an example - it enables the creation of customer segments based on logical conditions and common values, allowing you to quickly send customized content or advertising campaigns to your clients. What's more, the system supports transactional auto messages and notifications, for example, alerts about expiring orders, creating a new account, etc. And one more important thing is that NutriBot allows for various integrations, including WhatsApp, which results in the efficiency of communication between the company and customers.

Types of direct communication that will help you build relationships with your customers

The Power of Influencers - Elevate Your Meal Prep Delivery Business with Affiliate Marketing

If you wish to effectively boost your meal prep delivery services, consider using affiliate marketing—a business model that relies on partnerships with external influencers, dietitians, personal trainers, and others who receive financial incentives, usually in the form of commissions, for promoting your services.

Customers can also play a role in affiliate marketing for example by participating in a loyalty program. Through different activities like placing orders, providing feedback on their meal plans, fulfilling questionaries, etc., they receive points, which can be exchanged for rewards or new orders. This results in increased satisfaction, further contributing to an outstanding customer renewal rate exceeding 70% for leading companies!

Affiliate marketing based on partnerships and the importance of renewals

Summary & Pro Tips

To sum it up, as an experienced software provider for meal prep businesses, we have some practical tips for you. If you're a start-up, avoid diving in too hastily. Start by assessing your capacity. Apply the 80/20 principle - it will undoubtedly help identify key areas worth focusing on to maximize your resources and achieve success.

Another strategy is referred to as USP, which stands for Unique Selling Points. Accordingly, identifying and highlighting the strengths of your products is crucial to demonstrating that your company is unique and different from the competition. A conscious focus on these specific aspects and their promotion is a way to build the reputation of your brand as well as gain the trust of your customers.

Marketing pro tips for meal prep businesses

Making use of our insights, embark on your culinary journey today, and cater to customers worldwide by delighting them with fresh food and amazing meal kit delivery services! Let's get started!

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Chris Gromadzki
Business Development, Co-Founder

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