Clients exclusions and dislikes in meal prep business

Chris Gromadzki
Business Development, Co-Founder
15 min

How to Handle Client Exclusions and Dislikes in a Meal Prep Business Using NutriBot Software

In the dynamic world of meal prep businesses, catering to individual client preferences, especially regarding exclusions and dislikes, is crucial. NutriBot software simplifies this process, enabling businesses to efficiently manage and customize orders according to specific customer needs. This article delves into the steps involved in handling exclusions and dislikes using NutriBot.

Step 1: Client - Adding Dislikes

Client adding his dislikes in meal plan ordering process

Customers can specify their dislikes at the order placement stage. This feature, which can be enabled or disabled, allows clients to note allergies or preferences, such as avoiding milk, onion, or garlic. Once the order is placed, it appears in the software with the specified exclusion notes.

Step 2: Dislikes Notes - Ingredients Mapping

Mapping the client's dislikes note to the list of ingredients

Upon receiving an order with exclusions, the next step involves mapping these exclusions to ingredients in the NutriBot’s database. This process involves selecting relevant items (e.g., all milk products for a customer who dislikes milk) and ensuring these are not included in the meal prep.

Exclusion Status Flag

After mapping the exclusions, it’s essential to accept the mapping. This flag remains until the customer modifies their dislike notes, alerting the business to potential changes that need remapping.

Step 3: Recognition of Conflicting Meal

Meal conflicts recognition

NutriBot highlights any meals that conflict with a customer's exclusions. This feature helps in quickly identifying and addressing any discrepancies.

Step 4: Creating a Substitute Meal

For meals that conflict with customer exclusions, NutriBot allows the creation of substitute meals. This can mean modifying an existing meal (e.g., removing red onion from a salad) or choosing an alternative from the day's menu.

Step 5: Replacing Meals

Replacing meals with conflict to the new ones

After creating a substitute meal, it’s necessary to replace the conflicting meal with the newly created option. This ensures the customer receives a meal tailored to their preferences and needs.

Meal Status Flag and Comments

Once all meals are confirmed to be in line with customer exclusions, the meal status is updated to 'approved,' and any relevant comments for the kitchen team are added.

Step 6: Automatically Updated Reports and Labels

NutriBot automatically updates all reports and labels to reflect the changes made for specific customers, ensuring accuracy in meal prep and delivery.

Step 7: Automatically Updated Menu for Clients

The changes are also reflected in the client's menu in the NutriBot app, showing them their customized meal without the excluded ingredient.

Summary - Daily Exclusion Handling

Businesses should regularly check the exclusion list to update and remap as necessary. This includes verifying the exclusion status and making any needed changes to the meals for each day of cooking.

Exclusion Groups

For common exclusions, NutriBot allows the creation of exclusion groups (e.g., a group for all onion products), simplifying the process of excluding these items for multiple customers.

Reports Printing

NutriBot also offers the functionality to generate PDF reports, including separate reports for meals with exclusions, streamlining the kitchen’s workflow.

Handling client exclusions and dislikes in a meal prep business can be complex, but with NutriBot software, the process becomes streamlined and efficient. By following these steps, businesses can ensure customer satisfaction and smooth operation.

Chris Gromadzki
Business Development, Co-Founder

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