Trusted by 300+ companies

Seamless implementation

No additional widgets or plugins need to be installed on your site. No programming knowledge or server ownership is required to run.

Full integration with kitchen and deliveries

All orders automatically go into the system and are visible in reports for the kitchen and in deliveries. No more rewriting orders!

Quick online payments

Support for all popular payment methods. Confirmation of receipt of payment by the operator automatically changes the status of the order and passes it on to production.
Dashboard mockup

Calendar of order days

Behind the inconspicuous-looking calendar are huge configuration possibilities that allow you to adapt the ordering period to the needs of each meal prep business.
Support for a table of cut-off times for each day of the week
Configurable orders for Saturdays and Sundays
Definition of days on which orders cannot be placed (e.g. holidays)
Minimum and maximum order length
Handling test orders at a promotional price
Discounts for order length
Possibility of temporarily blocking the placing of orders
Setting the default status for a new order
Check this feature
Dashboard mockup
Dashboard mockup

Delivery map

Show your customers clearly where you deliver their meals.
Interactive map showing delivery areas
Integration with external courier companies
Delivery zone wizard allowing you to draw any area on the map
Statistics on potential customers outside the supported delivery area
Heat map showing the regions with the highest number of orders
Trust our experience

The fastest growing meal prep software on the market


Satisfied companies


Average rating in app stores

from 2020

In sale

100 000+

System users

For almost 2 years, NutriBot helps us in organizing and optimizing company-wide operations turning our meal prep ventures into streamlined successes. NutriBot remains our preferred choice for launching new meal prep brands.

Joe Fare, Founder & CEO - Fitkult LLC
Joe Fares
CEO & Founder

We’d like to express our gratitude for the support we’ve received from your team. Your assistance and professionalism have been commendable.

Hicham Hammoudi
Sales and Marketing Officer

No long-term contracts. No catches.

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